Published Oct 21, 2024
Everything Lincoln Riley said after Monday's practice of Rutgers week
Jeff McCulloch  •  TrojanSports
Staff Writer

Is Miller still the starter quarterback?

Of course, a hundred percent.

How do you balance sticking to what you have been doing to making changes.

Yeah, I think you got to sit there and evaluate. Is there one thing that you look at and say, alright, we're not doing this well enough, this is not progressing, that we have to address it and make direct changes and then like you said, you've got to look at it and what are the things that we're doing well or we are slash making progress on? I mean, the obvious thing is everybody's going to say, oh, well you got to finish games better. Well, no shit, right? But number one is why haven't we, and we've had a myriad of different issues. I mean I think the reality is we've been in a lot of really close games. We've had some opportunities to separate in several of these games and we haven't need to get better at that and then we've had some opportunities to close them. We've had some really unfortunate breaks. We'll call 'em in several of these, but we haven't been good enough to overcome those and that's what we're building to become obviously. But I don't see one central issue that this position group or this player or this scheme or this coach, they're not doing this well and that's why we haven't closed out these games. It's just we've sprung some leaks in different places and we got to keep coaching and keep progressing and then anything that we see that is not functioning at a high level or headed that way, that we're aggressively addressing it and we'll do anything we have to do to continue to plug these leaks and get better.

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How would you describe where Miller's head is at just in general?

I think he's in a good place. I mean, I think all of us, he's had to, it's kind of a mind trick on you right now because people that watch the tape and watch how we've played and watch how they progress, that tells you one thing and then you go look at the record and that tells you another thing and you got to really just stay true to what you see on tape. What can we do to get better and then how do we just keep going and going and going and he's had to do that. Everybody in our program has had to do that and that's just part of it. It's part of being a leader. It's part of when you have the word quarterback by your name, thats part of it, everybody goes through tough stretches. Everybody goes through times where things don't fall your way and the best ones continue to battle. He's one of the best ones and he's going to continue to battle.

What have you seen on tape for him that makes you still feel so comfortable?

Oh, he's still executing. I mean, at a very high level. He's making a lot of plays, a lot of really good decisions. There's always going to be a couple of mistakes. And the ones that he has certainly can't kill us. And he's had a few that have obviously gotta be better, but he's made a lot of plays and he's put our guys in a lot of position to make plays. Kind of like on the two minute drive the other night, I don't know that he could have done anything more. And so no, I still think he's playing at a very high level. Of course I expect him to improve and he does too, but he's also the guy that's put us in position to win all seven of these.

Will any of your assistants take on different roles going forward are going to stay the same with those guys?

Coaches? I don't think so, no.

How do you approach the combination of a long away game and a short week as far as prep this week?

Yeah, it was an interesting scheduling. Honestly. It comes at a great, it's like the perfect week to have a short week though. I mean, really, the guys were able to sleep on the flight home the other night. We all worked the entire flight home and got a good jump. And I think it's a good one just mentally to kind of be able to just dive right in. It's like you don't have time to do anything else but just go. And so obviously you alter your practices. I know you guys are aware we have altered some of these practices throughout the week, obviously to get them ready a day early, but we're far enough in the season. These guys know our systems well enough. We got to find the balance between obviously getting ready and getting good prep, but also having a fresh football team on Friday night.

How would you evaluate this year's offense's ability to play with consistency?

It just generalizes right in the middle. I mean, at times it's been times it's been really, really good. At times it hasn't been, I mean, I really want to see us put together a complete game. We've had some good stretches in games, but I don't know that we've totally put the complete game yet. So that's obviously our goal going forward. I certainly hope this week.

Makai Lemon has seemed to become a dependent target for Miller Moss on the short yardage. What have you just made from him since he's returned?

He's been steady. It hurt us losing him when we did early in the Michigan game. He's a steady, consistent target. He's caught the ball well. He's growing up in terms of his preparation and mentally really being ready to play. And so now he has, I think he was eight for eight the other night in terms of targets and catches. And so Miller and our quarterback's got a lot of confidence in him. And he's a young player that's just getting better and more consistent by the day,

Miller threw the ball over 50 times. Was that part of the gameplay? Was that more than you'd like generally?

Probably a little more than I would like. I mean, some of it was the two minute drive obviously accentuated that a little bit. But yeah, no, I mean you got to do what you got to do to win. And at the end of the day, whether we hand it off 50 times and throw it 50 times, I've never gotten crazy caught up in that. You don't know how each game's going to unfold. But yeah, I think in a perfect world do I want the quarterback throw 50 times? Not necessarily. Although like I said, if that's what we got to do, it's what we're going to do.

What's holding Quentin back from 10 touches a game, something like that, five to 10? What does he have to keep showing you?

Yeah, I think consistency of play. And he's done a lot of good things. I mean, it's honestly a little tough to take Woody off the field right now. I mean, Woody's been one of our best, most consistent players and so The confidence I think is growing in Quentin and a guy that we would like to get more opportunities and he's going to continue to become a better player when the ball's not in his hands. And that's like a lot of young running backs. But I think he is, and I know our confidence is growing in him and he's obviously made some big plays for us. And we're going to count on him for more here going forward.
