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USC offensive coordinator Graham Harrell has a very simple message for star quarterback Kedon Slovis entering his sophomore season.
Literally, a message of simplicity.
"Coming off the season he had the expectations are high, and I think the biggest challenge for him is going to be not to try to do too much. I think when you have a lot of experience, when you've been in the system for a while, kind of the natural inclination is, 'Hey, let's take it to the next level' and do more than I'm asked to do," Harrell said Monday night on the Trojans Live radio show. "And really in this offense that's the beauty of it is just go do your job, and that's what I've had to try to stay on him this whole time in camp about is, you don't have to do any magical, you don't have to do anything spectacular -- what you do, just you being you is enough.
"Making routine plays, that's all we need you to do, so don't try to force things, don't try to do too much. That's what I tell him all the time -- 'There's no 2.0 in this system. It's, hey, 1.0, master it and just keep mastering 1.0 more and more.'"